
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rift Rogue PvP Details

With the introduction of new Rift souls for PvP & warfront purposes, interest on fighting PvP for Rift has been renewed. With that, it is only fitting that they provide a fast Rift Rogue PvP guide to point our Rogue-loving friends in the right direction when it comes to PvP.
An important thing to keep in mind in PvP is that it is not purely about dealing damage. True, when you require a Warrior or Cleric PvP build, DPS will always be a prized stat but regrettably most Rift Rogue PvP builds at Level 50 are limited in this respect. As such, in the event you require staying playing Rogue it is important to find other niches where you can be effective without fully concentrating on damage. A few situations suitably provide these niche opportunities, namely Support for crowd control, light healing & buffs in group level PvP scenarios, as flag sniper in The Battle of Fort Scion, White fall Steppes & The Codex & flag runner by jogging the source stone in the same battles.
Still, in the event you require giving DPS builds a chance for Rift Rogue PvP, then there's a few options you can take in order to maximize what you can from Rogues. Your best bet is to turn to the Marksman tree & get everything you can from the Soul Tree for 51 points. The remaining 15 points you can spec between Bard & Rifts talker to boost healing, buffs, & defense to get you through every battle alive & victorious. You can depend on Speedy Fire Shot, Hasted Shot & Swift Shot as a way to neutralize the enemy from a distance so you are safest from close-combat attackers most notably the Warriors. Substituting Saboteur for Rifts talker for a little semblance of crowd control also doesn't hurt for this Rift Rogue PvP build. There's also guides that advocate for Blade dancer (27) - Rifts talker (27) - Night blade (12) for AoE grinding & PvP purposes although it is worth noting that this spec can suffer sometimes because it's no healing rebuff whatsoever.
Because there is no definitive Rogue soul ideal for PvP, you can be creative together with your builds so you can utilize the element of surprise on the battlefield. Some players use a Bard-centric Rift Rogue PvP, as weird as that sounds, but only as a support character for group settings. While being a Bard won't let you in on all the action, the healing buffs over a wide area can basically swing the game in to your team's favor. Other builds use the Saboteur as main soul & depend on the pyrotechnics that they generate to wreak havoc on the battlefield. Saboteurs are perhaps the hardest souls to handle from the Rogue class because they require precision & timing when executing assaults. A well-handled Saboteur will beat somebody on the Planes while a not so lovely player will disgrace himself every time.
We have already talked about the Marksman as a main PvP soul & they know this is because the Marksman sports the highest damage dealing capability of all the Rogue souls. The last soul you can pick is Assassin paired with Rifts talker & Night blade for speed, range, & stealth. This is the final description of surprise & patient Assassins can take out somebody who is not being attentive. While it is not as fun as trading blows, you can be sure that there is no beating a properly built Rift Rogue PvP Assassin.
So there goes your primer on Rift Rogue PvP builds. Practice your stuff & ideal your timing so you can maximize damage on the Planes of Telara.

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