
Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Flight Simulator

So it appears you are looking for a new flight simulator. Well, I can’t say I blame you. I have used Microsoft's flight simulators for years. I have been waiting for Microsoft flight simulator 11 to come out for a long time now. I gave up after they kept pushing it back; I think it’s been over a year now.
I did discover a new flight simulator & found that it was better than Microsoft's older flight Sims. The simulator I am using now has over a hundred planes, along with helicopters. It also has over 20,000 world airports. The graphics are great & they use actual military mapping.
Back to Microsoft flight simulator 11, I had a chance to play a demo of this. It was no better than simulator X. It did have a few more planes, airports, & better looking terrain, but overall the experience was low. The demo I played was in beta so they will probably make lots of changes & make it a bit better.
A new flight simulator game is was I was looking for. I was so worn out of the ms airplane simulator, I seldom even played it. I have also played a large number of other simulators but they don't deliver the actual & thrilling feeling that I look for in a game.
A new flight simulator game ought to have everything you need to feel like you are your own pilot. There is nothing better than being able to take off from a runway, fly where ever you need, & then land in some new airport you have seldom been to before. The helicopters are a lot harder for me to fly but I like being to land on rooftops & other unusual places you can not normally land a plane.
Don't even get me started on the net flight simulator games. These are a number of the worst games I have ever played. For starters in case you have a slow net connection, you can forget about it. Also, if there are lots of people playing simultaneously it will make the game slow & glitch. I don't think I even need to say much about the graphics, because they frankly suck.
If your still playing an older version of ms flight sim, you need a new flight sim. You won't think how much better they can be. The features alone will shock you. So, doesn’t delay any longer go discover a new flight sim right now? Better yet get flight sim pro.

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