
Sunday, February 6, 2011

WoW Auction House

Have you ever wondered how some players can have over one hundred thousand gold while you are left struggling just to pay for repairs? When I got my first character to level 80 back in Wrath of the Lich King I only had a few thousand gold after all of that questing. I had to save for months just to get my epic flying mount. I wondered how all the pros were able to make gold so effortlessly and still have time to go raiding and deal with things in real life. After talking to some of the best gold makers on my server, as well as gaining knowledge from various wow gold guides I found the answer.
The Auction House.
This is the granddaddy of them all when it comes to making gold. Quests and looting enemies can only take you so far in the gold game. If you really want to be able to make the big bucks with the smallest time invested this is the way to go.
For new players it may be confusing to understand how the auction house works exactly. What happens is players can post auctions for items ranging from 12 hours to 48 hours. Every time you place an item up for sale the auction house charges you a deposit fee. Additionally when you sell good they take an extra 5% off the top of every sale you make. Everyone can post auctions and you can sell any items that are not soul bound to your character.
You also have the option to create buyouts for items that you post. This is typically the primary way people sell things is through buyouts. Sometimes you can find great deals when people only post strictly auctions as players tend to ignore these more often than not. Chances are if someone is looking for an item on the auction house they want it right now, not 2 days from now. It is the instant gratification that everyone expects in society now.
Now that you understand the basics of the auction house you need to look at two things.
The first is what items are selling. Sometimes this can be hard to tell but often revolve around upgrades that everyone needs. These things can be things like enchants for gear, ebon steel belt buckles, or gems. Everyone needs them to upgrade their gear so you know they will sell in decent quantities.
The second thing you need to look for is your profit margin. In order to do this look at the average price of the item you are trying to sell. Observe all of the materials it takes to create this item. Now check how much all of those will cost in the auction house. If the total price of all of the materials is cheaper than what the finished product is in the auction house then you know you can sell these to make a profit. Depending on the item sometimes you can make a really nice profit margin. Selling belt buckles I can often pull in a 200 gold profit per buckle.
Now all you have to do is repeat this process for other items and you are on your way to riches. Just remember not to spend all of your gold at once. Also once you start making gold it will only get easier from there. The more gold you have the easier it is to make gold. Right now I am making about 5000 gold a day following these basic strategies.

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