
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Good CityVille Neighbor

If you have played CityVille for any length of time then you recognize how important it is to your success that you have plenty of neighbors to help you along. But, you, in turn, need to extend a helping hand to your neighbors. And it takes a small work to be a lovely CityVille neighbor.
Each time you visit of your neighbors' cities you get one Energy Point, 50 Coins and five Experience Points. (If this is your first visit to a new neighbor, you'll get two Energy Points, 100 Coins and five Experience Points.)
You'll then be given five Energy Points to make use of in that neighbor's city. These are free Energy - they don't come out of your regular Energy reserve. So, when you use them, you are actually using five Points of Energy to perform five different tasks for your neighbor - which saves them the five points they'd must make use of to accomplish those self same five tasks.
Most people, when visiting their neighbors' cities, pop in, click on the first five things they find, and then scurry along to the next neighbor. And if that person has 50 different neighbors visit that day and everybody clicks on the same five objects, then none of you have been any help. In case you need to be a lovely CityVille neighbor, you need to put some thought in to the tasks you perform so you are helping your friends - and not yourself.
Here are 5 different tasks you can perform that will help your neighbors:
- Tend to crops: Sometimes it takes some scrolling around to find your neighbor's crops but everyone has some somewhere in their city. Save your neighbor some energy - & some coins - by reviving withered crops or harvesting crops that are prepared to go. You can also water crops which diminishes the time it takes them to be prepared for harvest.
- Unload boats: If the city has boats, check to see if any of them need to be unloaded. Like crops, there is a limit to how much time the cargo can stay on the boat. After some time, the boats will sink & your neighbor will lose those precious goods.
- Chop down trees: It is not always simple to tell which trees to chop down & in case you don't know for sure, do something else to help out. But usually, in case you see your neighbor has added an Extension, it is a safe bet he'll require those trees removed. & you'll save him lots of Energy in case you do it for him.
- Send a Tour Bus to upgrade businesses: Bakeries, Flower Shops, Coffee Shops, etc, are upgradable businesses. (When you hover your cursor over a business it will tell you if it is in the method of being upgraded.) Sending a Tour Bus to these businesses helps speed up the upgrade method.
- Collect cheap rents: When you are short on Energy it is frustrating to must select if you are going to make use of it to collect from your higher yielding businesses or your little Spring Bungalows that yield less than 100 Coins. Help your neighbor out by collecting as plenty of of his cheaper rents as you can so they can use his precious Energy for more pressing matters.
It takes some hard work & time to be a nice CityVille neighbor but it is worth it. & three times your neighbors all see how much help you are being in their cities, they are going to start returning the favors in your city. & everybody will live happily ever after!

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