
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Protoss

One Protoss guide useful to know is the Dark Templar Rush. It is another classical rush, absolutely devastating in Star craft Classic and just as effective in Strarcraft 2.
What makes the Dark Templar Rush so effective is the infrequency in which players use it. It is such a long haul in comparison to other more commonly employed rushes like the Ling rush and the Marine and Marauder push, that perseverance is required before it can be employed.
The Dark Temple Rush requires not only the right circumstances, but speed, precision, a lot of resources and just plain skill. I would describe it as an advanced build for intermediate to advanced players. This rush can be fatal to an opponent who has failed to scout it, but requires excellent micro and excellent awareness, as well as good transitioning skills in order to execute.
This is not a standard build, like most rushes. It is a risk. It's best to abandon it however if your opponent scouts your Dark Shrine. Make the transition into a 4 Gate as quickly as possible. Note the surprise of having cloaked units which your opponent hasn't detected is the key component of this build. Your opponent will begin building the necessary detection and units to combat it.
The strategy works best against opponents that have not invested in adequate detection because they are not anticipating a Dark Templar Rush. A lot of opponents can be caught off guard by this opening, as it's not frequently used.
This is how the build is executed.
1. Train probes until you have your 9th probe, at which point build your first pylon as usual, and send that probe to scout.
2. On your 13th probe get out your first Gateway, also start Chrono boosting probes. This build is heavy on gas and the early tech advancements cost a lot of gas, and more importantly each Dark Templar Costs 100 gases, only 50 minerals. So for this build the emphasis should definitely be more on gas.
3. By your fifteenth probe you want to ensure that you have at least two Assimilators.
4. Once you’re at 16 supply and 200 minerals start building a Cybernetics Core, and send that probe to a geyser if you don't already have 3 probes on both of them.
5. When the Cybernetics Core is finished, warp in a warp Gate. Also be sure to get some Sentry's and Stalkers out to fend off early pushes. The Sentry's force field ability is excellent for this.
6. Continue to build probe and saturate minerals.
7. Warp in a Templar archives once the Cybernetics Core tech is completed. Be careful to strategically place any tech that could indicate to your opponent that you are building Dark Templers. The element of surprise is key with this strategy.
8. Once the Templar Archives is done warp in a Dark Shrine when it's finished, also preferably in a remote location out of your opponents away from your opponents scouting areas.
9. Upgrade your Gateways to Warp Gates and build a pylon near your enemies base, also preferably out of site.
10. Use any extra minerals to build more Gateways.
11. Once your shrine is complete, warp in a Dark Templar where you constructed your pylon. If your opponent doesn't have detection, take out his workers and anything that could possibly get out detection.
Against Terran, you'll have to wait till he lowers his walls before you can process into his main. If he has detection is sure to stay clear of it. If all he has is a scanner, take out the scanner. Stay out of range of his scanner at all costs. If your opponent is Protoss or Zerg target his attacking and defending units first and then attack his workers.
With this protoss guide to a Dark Templar Rush, you should now be able to practice this skill, and be ready to execute it when the macro and micro conditions are optimal.

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